Constitution of Canada

Constitution of Canada

Constitution of Canada

Four Provinces

- Laws and Canadian Constitutions
Four Provinces
- Constitution Acts of Canada 1867 to 1982. Canadian Laws.

Constitution of Canada


I. Preliminary

1. Short title

II. Union

3. Declaration of Union

4. Construction of subsequent Provisions of Act

5. Four Provinces

6. Provinces of Ontario and Quebec

7. Provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick

8. Decennial Census

III. Executive Power

9. Declaration of Executive Power in the Queen

10. Application of Provisions referring to Governor General

11. Constitution of Privy Council for Canada

12. All Powers under Acts to be exercised by Governor General with Advice of Privy Council, or alone

13. Application of Provisions referring to Governor General in Council

14. Power to Her Majesty to authorize Governor General to appoint Deputies

15. Command of Armed Forces to continue to be vestedin the Queen

16. Seat of Government of Canada

IV. Legislative Power

17. Constitution of Parliament of Canada

18. Privileges, etc., of Houses

19. First Session of the Parliament of Canada

The Senate

21. Number of Senators

22. Representation of Provinces in Senate

23. Qualifications of Senator

24. Summons of Senator

26. Addition of Senators in certain cases

27. Reduction of Senate to normal Number

28. Maximum Number of Senators

29. Tenure of Place in Senate

30. Resignation of Place in Senate

31. Disqualification of Senators

32. Summons on Vacancy in Senate

33. Questions as to Qualifications and Vacancies in Senate

34. Appointment of Speaker of Senate

35. Quorum of Senate

36. Voting in Senate

The House of Commons

37. Constitution of House of Commons in Canada

38. Summoning of House of Commons

39. Senators not to sit in House of Commons

40. Electoral districts of the four Provinces

41. Continuance of existing Election Laws until Parliament of Canada otherwise provides

44. As to Election of Speaker of House of Commons

45. As to filling up Vacancy in Office of Speaker

46. Speaker to preside

47. Provision in case of Absence of Speaker

48. Quorum of House of Commons

49. Voting in House of Commons

50. Duration of House of Commons

51. Readjustment of representation in Commons

51.A Constitution of House of Commons

52. Increase of Number of House of Commons

Money Votes; Royal Assent

53. Appropriation and Tax Bills

54. Recommendation of Money Votes

55. Royal Assent to Bills, etc.

56. Disallowance by Order in Council of Act assented toby Governor General

57. Signification of Queen’s Pleasure on Bill reserved

V. Provincial Constitutions

Executive Power

58. Appointment of Lieutenant Governors of Provinces

59. Tenure of Office of Lieutenant Governor

60. Salaries of Lieutenant Governors

61. Oaths, etc., of Lieutenant Governor

62. Application of Provisions referring to Lieutenant Governor

63. Appointment of Executive Officers for Ontario and Quebec

64. Executive Government of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick

65. Powers to be exercised by Lieutenant Governor of Ontario or Quebec with Advice, or alone

66. Application of Provisions referring to Lieutenant Governor in Council

67. Administration in Absence, etc., of Lieutenant Governor

68. Seats of Provincial Governments

Legislative Power

1. Ontario

69. Legislature for Ontario

70. Electoral districts

2. Quebec

71. Legislature for Quebec

72. Constitution of Legislative Council

73. Qualification of Legislative Councillors

74. Resignation, Disqualification, etc

75. Vacancies

76. Questions as to Vacancies, etc.

77. Speaker of Legislative Council

78. Quorum of Legislative Council

79. Voting in Legislative Council

80. Constitution of Legislative Assembly of Quebec

3. Ontario and Quebec

82. Summoning of Legislative Assemblies

83. Restriction on election of Holders of offices

84. Continuance of existing Election Laws

85. Duration of Legislative Assemblies

86. Yearly Session of Legislature

87. Speaker, Quorum, etc.

4. Nova Scotia and New Brunswick

88. Constitutions of Legislatures of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick

5. Ontario, Quebec, and Nova Scotia

6. The Four Provinces

90. Application to Legislatures of Provisions respecting Money Votes, etc

VI. Distribution Of Legislative Powers

Powers of the Parliament

91. Legislative Authority of Parliament of Canada

Exclusive Powers of Provincial Legislatures

92. Subjects of exclusive Provincial Legislation

Non-renewable Natural Resources, Forestryresourcesand Electrical Energy

92.A Laws respecting non-renewable natural resources,forestry resources and electrical energy


93. Legislation respecting Education

Uniformityof Laws in Ontario, Nova Scotia, And New Brunswick

94. Legislation for Uniformity of Laws in Three Provinces

94.A Legislation respecting old age pensions andsupplementary benefits

Old Age Pensions

95. Concurrent Powers of Legislation respecting Agriculture, etc.

VII. Judicature

96. Appointment of Judges

97. Selection of Judges in Ontario, etc

98. Selection of Judges in Quebec

99. Tenure of office of Judges

100. Salaries, etc., of Judges

101. General Court of Appeal, etc.

VIII. Revenues; Debts; Assets; Taxation

102. Creation of Consolidated Revenue Fund

103. Expenses of Collection, etc

104. Interest of Provincial Public Debts

105. Salary of Governor General

106. Appropriation from Time to Time

107. Transfer of Stocks, etc

108. Transfer of Property in Schedule

109. Property in Lands, Mines, etc

110. Assets connected with Provincial Debts

111. Canada to be liable for Provincial Debts

112. Debts of Ontario and Quebec

113. Assets of Ontario and Quebec

114. Debt of Nova Scotia

115. Debt of New Brunswick

116. Payment of interest to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick

117. Provincial Public Property

117. Further Grant to New Brunswick

120. Form of Payments

121. Canadian Manufactures, etc.

122. Continuance of Customs and Excise Laws

123. Exportation and Importation as between Two Provinces

124. Lumber Dues in New Brunswick

125. Exemption of Public Lands, etc.

126. Provincial Consolidated Revenue Fund

IX. Miscellaneous Provisions


128. Oath of Allegiance, etc.

129. Continuance of existing Laws, Courts, Officers, etc

130. Transfer of Officers to Canada

131. Appointment of new Officers

132. Treaty Obligations

133. Use of English and French Languages

Ontario and Quebec

134. Appointment of Executive Officers for Ontario and Quebec

135. Powers, Duties, etc. of Executive Officers

136. Great Seals

137. Construction of temporary Acts

138. As to Errors in Names

139. As to issue of Proclamations before Union, to commence after Union

140. As to issue of Proclamations after Union

141. Penitentiary

142. Arbitration respecting Debts, etc.

143. Division of Records

144. Constitution of Townships in Quebec

X. Intercolonial Railway

Intercolonial Railway

XI. Admission Of Other Colonies

146. Power to admit Newfoundland, etc., into the Union

147. As to Representation of Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island in Senate

The First Schedule

The Second Schedule

The Third Schedule

The Fourth Schedule

The Fifth Schedule

The Sixth Schedule


Constitution Act, 1982

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