International Treaties

International Treaties

International Treaties

International Treaties

- Constitution of Croatia
International Treaties
- Constitution of the Republic of Croatia. Government and Croatian Laws.

International Treaties


1. International Agreements

  • International agreements shall, on behalf of the Republic of Croatia, be concluded by the President of the Republic, but may also be concluded, in conformity with law, by the Government of the Republic of croatia.

  • International agreements which entail the passage or amendment of laws, international agreements of a military and political nature, and international agreements which financially commit the Republic shall be subject to ratification by the Croatian Parliament.
    International Agreements which grant international organizations or alliances powers derived from the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia, shall be subject to ratification by the Croatian Parliament by a two-thirds majority vote of all representatives.

  • International agreements concluded and ratified in accordance with the Constitution and made public shall be part of the Republic's internal legal order and shall in terms of legal effect be above law. Their provisions may be changed or repealed only under conditions and in the way specified in them, or in accordance with the general rules of international law.
  • Historical Foundations
    Basic Provisions
    Fundamental Freedoms And Rights Of Man And Citizen
    Common Provisions
    Personal and Political Liberties and Rights
    Economic Social and Cultural Rights
    Organisation of Government
    Croatian Parliament
    President of the Republic of Croatia
    Government of the Republic of Croatia
    Judicial Power
    Public Prosecution Service
    Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia
    Community Level Local and Regional Self Government
    International Relations
    International Treaties
    Association and Dissociation

    Amending The Constitution

    Transitional And Concluding Provisions
    Constitution International Treaties 2024
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