Constitutional principles

Constitutional principles

Constitutional principles

Constitutional principles

- Constitution of Germany

Article 20 (Constitutional principles – Right of resistance)

(1) The Federal Republic of Germany is a democratic and social federal state.

(2) All state authority is derived from the people. It shall be exercised by the people through elections and other votes and through specific legislative, executive and judicial bodies.

(3) The legislature shall be bound by the constitutional order, the executive and the judiciary by law and justice.

(4) All Germans shall have the right to resist any person seek­ing to abolish this constitutional order if no other remedy is available.

Basic Law of Germany

Basic Rights
Federation and the Lander
Joint Committee
Composition Rules of procedure
Federal President
Federal Government
Federal Legislation
Execution of Federal Laws
Joint Tasks
State of Defence
Transitional and Concluding Provisions
Germany Constitutional Principles 2024
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