State of tension

State of tension

State of tension

State of tension

- Constitution of Germany

Article 80a[State of tension]

(1) If this Basic Law or a federal law regarding defence, includ­ing protection of the civilian population, provides that legal provisions may be applied only in accordance with this Article, their application, except when a state of defence has been declared, shall be permissible only after the Bun­destag has determined that a state of tension exists or has specifically approved such application. The determination of a state of tension and specific approval in the cases mentioned in the first sentence of paragraph (5) and the second sentence of paragraph (6) of Article 12a shall require a two-thirds majority of the votes cast.

(2) Any measures taken pursuant to legal provisions by virtue of paragraph (1) of this Article shall be rescinded whenever the Bundestag so demands.

(3) Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of this Article, the appli­cation of such legal provisions shall also be permissible on the basis of and in accordance with a decision made by an international body within the framework of a treaty of alliance with the approval of the Federal Government. Any measures taken pursuant to this paragraph shall be rescinded whenever the Bundestag, by the vote of a majority of its Members, so demands.

Basic Law of Germany

Basic Rights
Federation and the Lander
Joint Committee
Composition Rules of procedure
Federal President
Federal Government
Federal Legislation
Execution of Federal Laws
Joint Tasks
State of Defence
Transitional and Concluding Provisions
Constitution Germany State Of Tension 2024
Explainer: Why is Germany's budget in crisis and what are the implications? Reuters
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On the brink: Why inter-Korean relations have reached a new low | Brookings Brookings Institution