Armed Forces and the Police Force

Armed Forces and the Police Force

Armed Forces and the Police Force

Armed Forces and the Police Force

- Constitution of Haiti

Title XI - The Armed Forces and the Police Force

Article 263:

The "Public Forces "la Force Publique) are composed of two (2) distinct bodies:

a. The Armed Forces of Haiti, and

b. The Police Forces.

Article 263-1:

No other armed corps may exist in the national territory.

Article 263-2:

All members of the police and armed forces shall take an oath of allegiance and respect for the Constitution and the flag at the time of their enlistment.

Constitution of Haiti

Republic of Haiti
Haitian Nationality
Nature of the Citizenship
Basic Rights
Right to life and Health
Individual Liberty
Freedom of Expression
Freedom of Conscience
Freedom of assembly and Association
Education and Teaching
Freedom to Work
Right to Information
Right to Security
Duties of the Citizen
National Sovereignty
Territorial Divisions And Decentralization
Communal Sections
Delegates and Vice Presidents
Interdepartamental Council
Legislative Branch
House of Deputies
National Assembly
Exercise of Legislative Power
Executive Branch
President of the Republic
Duties of the President of the Republic
Powers of The Prime Minister
Ministers and Secretaries of State
High Court of Justice
Independent Institutions
Permanent Electoral Council
Superior Court of Auditors
Conciliation Comission
Protection of Citizens
University Academy Culture
Public Finance
Civil Service
Economics and Agriculture
Armed Forces and the Police Force
Armed Forces
Police Forces
General Provisions
Amendments to the Constitution
Temporary Provisions
Final Provisions
Constitution of Haiti
Constitution Haiti Armed Forces And The Police Force 2024
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Kenya's high court extends a block on sending police to Haiti even as parliament approves deployment The Associated Press
Kenya's High Court blocks proposal to send police support to Haiti Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime
Kenyan court says police deployment to Haiti is unconstitutional The Washington Post