Economics and Agriculture

Economics and Agriculture

Economics and Agriculture

Economics and Agriculture

- Constitution of Haiti

Chapter I - Economics and Agriculture

Article 245:

Economic freedom shall be guaranteed so long as it is not contrary to the public interest.

The State shall protect private enterprises and shall endeavor to see that it develops under the conditions necessary to increase the national wealth in such a way as to ensure the participation of the largest possible number of persons in the benefits of this wealth.

Article 246:

The State encourages in rural and urban areas the formation of cooperatives for production, processing of raw materials and the entrepenurial spirit to promote the accumulation of national capital to ensure continuous development.

Article 247:

Agriculture, which is the main source of the Nation's wealth, is a guarantee of the well-being of the people and the socio-economic progress of the Nation.

Article 248:

A special agency to be known as THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF AGRARIAN REFORM shall be established to organize the revision of real property structures and to implement an agrarian reform to benefit those who actually work the land. This Institute shall draw up an agrarian policy geared to optimizing productivity by constructing infrastructure aimed at the protection and management of the land.

Article 248-1:

The law determines the minimum and maximum area of basic farm units.

Article 249:

The State has the obligation to establish the structures necessary to ensure maximum productivity of the land and domestic marketing of foodstuffs. Technical and financial management units shall be established to assist farmers at the level of each Communal section.

Article 250:

No monopoly may be established to benefit the State and the territorial divisions except in the exclusive interest of society as a whole. Such a monopoly may not be granted to any private individual.

Article 251:

The import of foodstuffs and their byproducts that are produced in sufficient quantity in the national territory is forbidden, except in the event of force majeure.

Article 252:

the State may take charge of the operation of enterprises for the production of goods and services essential to the community in order to ensure continuity in the event the existence of these establishments should be threatened. Such enterprises shall be grouped in a comprehensive management system.

Constitution of Haiti

Republic of Haiti
Haitian Nationality
Nature of the Citizenship
Basic Rights
Right to life and Health
Individual Liberty
Freedom of Expression
Freedom of Conscience
Freedom of assembly and Association
Education and Teaching
Freedom to Work
Right to Information
Right to Security
Duties of the Citizen
National Sovereignty
Territorial Divisions And Decentralization
Communal Sections
Delegates and Vice Presidents
Interdepartamental Council
Legislative Branch
House of Deputies
National Assembly
Exercise of Legislative Power
Executive Branch
President of the Republic
Duties of the President of the Republic
Powers of The Prime Minister
Ministers and Secretaries of State
High Court of Justice
Independent Institutions
Permanent Electoral Council
Superior Court of Auditors
Conciliation Comission
Protection of Citizens
University Academy Culture
Public Finance
Civil Service
Economics and Agriculture
Armed Forces and the Police Force
Armed Forces
Police Forces
General Provisions
Amendments to the Constitution
Temporary Provisions
Final Provisions
Constitution of Haiti
Constitution Haiti Economics And Agriculture 2024
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