Foundations for Economic Relations

Foundations for Economic Relations

Foundations for Economic Relations

Foundations for Economic Relations

- Constitution of Macedonia

4. Foundations for economic relations

Article 55

The freedom of the market and entrepreneurship is guaranteed.

The Republic ensures an equal legal position to all parties in the market. The Republic takes measures against monopolistic positions and monopolistic conduct on the market.

The freedom of the market and entrepreneurship can be restricted by law only for reasons of the defence of the Republic, protection of the natural and living environment or public health.

Article 56

All the natural resources of the Republic of Macedonia, the flora and fauna, amenities in common use, as well as the objects and buildings of particular cultural and historical value determined by law, are amenities of common interest for the Republic and enjoy particular protection.

The Republic guarantees the protection, promotion and enhancement of the historical and artistic heritage of the Macedonian people and of the nationalities and the treasures of which it is composed, regardless of their legal status. The law regulates the mode and conditions under which specific items of general interest for the Republic can be ceded for use.

Article 57

The Republic of Macedonia stimulates economic progress and provides for a more balanced spatial and regional development, as well as for the more rapid development of economically underdeveloped regions.

Article 58

Ownership and labour form the basis for management and sharing in decision-making.

Participation in management and decision-making in public institutions and services is regulated by law, on the principles of expertise and competence.

Article 59

Foreign investors are guaranteed the right to the free transfer of invested capital and profits.

The rights obtained on the basis of the capital invested may not be reduced by law or other regulations.

Article 60

The National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia is a currency-issuing bank.

The National Bank is autonomous and responsible for the stability of the currency, monetary policy and for the general liquidity of payments in the Republic and abroad.

The organisation and work of the National Bank are regulated by law.

Constitution of Macedonia

Basic Provisions
Basic Freedoms and Rights
Civil and Political Freedoms and Rights
Economic Social and Cultural Rights
Guarantees of Basic Freedoms and Rights
Foundations for Economic Relations
Organization of State Authority
Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia
President of the Republic of Macedonia
Government of the Republic of Macedonia
Public Prosecutors Office
Constitutional Court of The Republic of Macedonia
Local Self Government
International Relations
Defence of the Republic and States of War and Emergency
Changes in the Constitution
Transitional and Final Clauses
Amendments To The Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia
Amendment I
Amendment II
Amendment III
Amendment IV
Amendment V
Amendment VI
Amendment VII
Amendment VIII
Amendment IX
Amendment X
Amendment XI
Amendment XII
Amendment XIII
Amendment XIV
Amendment XV
Amendment XVI
Amendment XVII
Amendment XVIII
Amendment XIX
Amendment XXI
Amendment XXII
Amendment XXIII
Amendment XXIV
Amendment XXV
Amendment XXVI
Amendment XXVII
Amendment XXVIII
Amendment XXIX
Amendment XXX
Amendment XXXI
Amendment XXXII
Constitution Macedonia Foundations For Economic Relations 2024
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