General Principles

General Principles

General Principles

General Principles

- Constitution of Romania

TITLE I: Fundamental Principles

ARTICLE 1 -Romanian State

(1) Romania is a sovereign, independent, unitary and indivisible National State.
(2) The form of government of the Romanian State is a Republic.
(3) Romania is a democratic and social state, governed by the rule of law, in which human dignity, the citizens' rights and freedoms, the free development of human personality, justice and political pluralism represent supreme values, in the spirit of the democratic traditions of the Romanian people and the ideals of the Revolution of December 1989, and shall be guaranteed.
(4) The State shall be organized based on the principle of the separation and balance of powers -legislative, executive, and judicial - within the framework of constitutional democracy.
(5) In Romania, the observance of the Constitution, its supremacy and the laws shall be mandatory.

ARTICLE 2 - Sovereignty

(1) The national sovereignty shall reside within the Romanian people, that shall exercise it by means of their representative bodies, resulting from free, periodical and fair elections, as well as by referendum.
(2) No group or person may exercise sovereignty in one's own name.

ARTICLE 3 - Territory

(1) The territory of Romania is inalienable.
(2) The frontiers of the country are sanctioned by an organic law, with the observance of the principles and other generally recognized regulations of international law.
(3) The territory is organized administratively into communes, towns and counties. Some towns are declared municipalities, according to the provisions of the law.
(4) No foreign populations may be displaced or colonized on the territory of the Romanian State.

ARTICLE 4 - Unity of the people and

(1) The State foundation is laid on the unity of the Romanian people and the solidarity of its citizens.
(2) Romania is the common and indivisible homeland of all its citizens, without any discrimination on account of race, nationality, ethnic origin, language, religion, sex, opinion, political adherence, property or social origin.

ARTICLE 5 - Citizenship

(1) Romanian citizenship can be acquired, retained or lost as provided by the organic law.
(2) Romanian citizenship cannot be withdrawn if acquired by birth.

ARTICLE 6 - Right to identity

(1) The State recognizes and guarantees the right of persons belonging to national minorities to the preservation, development and expression of their ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious identity.
(2) The protection measures taken by the Romanian State for the preservation, development and expression of identity of the persons belonging to national minorities shall conform to the principles of equality and non-discrimination in relation to the other Romanian citizens.

ARTICLE 7 - Romanians living abroad

The State shall support the strengthening of links with the Romanians living abroad and shall act accordingly for the preservation, development and expression of their ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious identity, with the observance of the legislation of the State whose citizens they are.

ARTICLE 8 - Pluralism and political parties

(1) Pluralism in the Romanian society is a condition and guarantee of constitutional democracy.
(2) Political parties shall be constituted and shall pursue their activities in accordance with the law. They contribute to the definition and expression of the political will of the citizens, while observing national sovereignty, territorial integrity, the legal order and the principles of democracy.

ARTICLE 9 - Trade unions, employers' associations, and vocational associations

Trade unions, employers' associations, and vocational associations shall be established and shall carry out their activity according to their statutes, according to the law. They shall contribute to the protection of rights and the promotion of their members' vocational, economic, and social interests.

ARTICLE 10 - International relations

Romania fosters and develops peaceful relations with all the states, and, in this context, good neighbourly relations, based on the principles and other generally recognized provisions of international law.

ARTICLE 11 - International law and national law

(1) The Romanian State pledges to fulfil as such and in good faith its obligations as deriving from the treaties it is a party to.
(2) Treaties ratified by Parliament, according to the law, are part of national law.
(3) If a treaty Romania is to become a party to comprises provisions contrary to the Constitution, its ratification shall only take place after the revision of the Constitution.

ARTICLE 12 - National symbols

(1) The flag of Romania is tricolour; the colours are arranged vertically in the following order from the flag-pole: blue, yellow, red.
(2) The National Day of Romania is the 1st of December.
(3) The national anthem of Romania is "Awake, Romanians".
(4) The country's coat of arms and the State's seal shall be established by organic laws.

ARTICLE 13 - Official language

In Romania, the official language is Romanian.

ARTICLE 14 - Capital

The Capital of Romania is the Municipality of Bucharest.

Constitution of Romania

General Principles
Fundamental Rights Freedoms and Duties
Common provisions
Fundamental Rights and Freedoms
Fundamental Duties
Advocate of the People
Public Authorities
Organization and functioning
Statute of Deputies and Senators
President of Romania
Relations between Parliament and the Government
Public Administration
Specialized Central Public Administration
Local Public Administration
Judicial Authority
Courts of Law
Public Ministry
Superior Council of Magistracy
Economy and Public Finance
Constitutional Court
Euro Atlantic Integration
Revision of the Constitution
Final and Transitory Provisions
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