Revision of the Constitution

Revision of the Constitution

Revision of the Constitution

Revision of the Constitution

- Constitution of Romania

TITLE VII - Revision of the Constitution

ARTICLE 150 - Initiative of Revision
(1) Revision of the Constitution may be initiated by the President of Romania on the proposal of the Government, by at least one quarter of the number of Deputies or Senators, as well as by at least 500,000 citizens with the right to vote.
(2) The citizens who initiate the revision of the Constitution must belong to at least half the number of the counties in the country, and in each of the respective counties or in the Municipality of Bucharest, at least 20,000 signatures must be recorded in support of this initiative.
ARTICLE 151 - Procedure of revision
(1) The draft or proposal of revision must be adopted by the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, by a majority of at least two thirds of the members of each Chamber.
(2) If no agreement can be reached by a mediation procedure, the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate shall decide thereupon, in joint sitting, by the vote of at least three quarters of the number of Deputies and Senators.
(3) The revision shall be final after the approval by a referendum held within 30 days of the date of passing the draft or proposal of revision.
ARTICLE 152 - Limits of revision
(1) The provisions of this Constitution with regard to the national, independent, unitary and indivisible character of the Romanian State, the republican form of government, territorial integrity, independence of justice, political pluralism and official language shall not be subject to revision.
(2) Likewise, no revision shall be made if it results in the suppression of the citizens' fundamental rights and freedoms, or of the safeguards thereof.
(3) The Constitution shall not be revised during a state of siege or emergency, or in wartime.

Constitution of Romania

General Principles
Fundamental Rights Freedoms and Duties
Common provisions
Fundamental Rights and Freedoms
Fundamental Duties
Advocate of the People
Public Authorities
Organization and functioning
Statute of Deputies and Senators
President of Romania
Relations between Parliament and the Government
Public Administration
Specialized Central Public Administration
Local Public Administration
Judicial Authority
Courts of Law
Public Ministry
Superior Council of Magistracy
Economy and Public Finance
Constitutional Court
Euro Atlantic Integration
Revision of the Constitution
Final and Transitory Provisions
Romania Revision Of The Constitution 2024
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