Changes made as per Errata Sheet

Changes made as per Errata Sheet

Changes made as per Errata Sheet

Changes made as per Errata Sheet

- Constitution of Somalia

Changes made as per Errata Sheet:

Article 6
(1) and (2) refer to a schedule 1 which shall show the national Flag and the national emblem. Schedule 1 however does not show any flag or emblem. Add picture of flag as Schedule 1 (A) & picture of emblem as 1(B) and then adjust rest of schedule 1 to follow.
(2) reads there shall be only one Somali Nationality; nationality should read citizenship.
Article 26
(3) should be deleted, as issues contemplated in the former Article 49 (restoration of illegally obtained property) has been deleted.
Article 36
Mistake it numbering as there is no Article 36.
Article 38
(5) refers to a deleted Article on the procedures to declare a state of emergency. Change to reflect and refer to Article 131 (new article on states of emergency).
Article 43
(5) refers to specifications of authorities concerning land in Annex 2. Annex does not provide for such specifications. (5) should be deleted.
Article 47
Agreed name to appear throughout should read “National Independent Electoral Commission”
Article 47
For clarity, should read “elections at the federal government level”.
Reads that no single Region can stand alone as it seeks to find other state(s) to join with to form a Federal Member State. State(s) is the wrong terminology, it should read region (s) as there are no existing states to merge with.
Article 49
(5) to be consistent with Article 73, should be changed to 1991
Article 54
Include at the end: “which shall be the powers and responsibilities of the federal government”.
Header does not match the content anymore; Article should be named Joint Sittings and first sentence deleted.
Article 58
Reads Electoral Commission; Electoral Commission should read National Independent Electoral Commission as per Article 111G.
Article 64
(2) states that the number of members of the House of the People shall be 225. (4) provides for membership in the House of the People of former Presidents of the Republic. To avoid misunderstandings, in (2) “The number of members” should read: “The number of ordinary members”.
Article 65
For greater clarity, add at the end of (1) “from among its members” to read “(1) At its first session, presided over by the eldest member, the House of the People of the Federal Parliament shall elect a Speaker and two(2) Deputy Speakers from amongst its members”.
Article 66
Reads National Electoral and Political Parties Registration Commission; National Electoral and Political Parties Registration Commission should read National Independent Electoral Commission as per Article 111G.
Article 68
As per the TFC decision, Six months should read 30 days.
Article 69
Paragraph 1 (b) reads except laws related to financial matters; as per TFC decision financial matters should read related to the annual budget, and it should be added: “which shall be formulated by the cabinet”.
Reads: “procedures similar to the ones in the House of the people”. Change to “the same procedures need to be applied”.
Article 74
(1) Reads National Electoral and Political Parties Registration Commission; National Electoral and Political Parties Registration Commission should read National Independent Electoral Commission as per Article 111G.
Article 75
As per TFC decision, (4) should read “30 days” instead of “six months”.
Article 77 In Paragraph 1 the rules of the House of the People should read: the rules of the Upper House.
Article 78
Reads: “shall have immunity similar to that of the members of the House of the people”. Should read: “shall have the same immunity to that of members of the House of the People”.
Article 79
Title of Article should be changed to read “Draft Legislation” and all subsequent mention of “legislative project” should also be changed to “draft legislation
Article 79
Paragraph 1 (b) reads writing and proposing a new law. It should be added: “which is not related to the annual budget”.
Article 80
TFC decision that Laws may be initiated in Upper House is missing; Include:
(2) Draft legislation may be presented to the Upper House of the Federal Parliament by
(a) At least one representative of a Federal Member State; or
(b) Any committee of the Upper House of the Federal Parliament.
Article 81
(3) is unclear and seems to be a comment. Dispute resolution needs to be included as per
Article 83 (7). So it is recommended that (3) reads: If there are differences with regard to draft legislation between the two Houses of the Federal Parliament, either House may call for a joint committee of both Houses to attempt to resolve the differences and to suggest a harmonized draft legislation to both Houses in the spirit of intergovernmental cooperation as stipulated in Article 53.
Article 91
Reads as term of office of the president 5 years; 5 years should be replaced by 4 years as to harmonize it with the term of parliament.
Article 109
(1) is redundant to Article 108 (1) and should be deleted. Change title of Article to read: “The Proceedings of the National Courts”
Article 109-Article 109C
There are repetitions and drafting comments in the English version, which must be deleted.
Article 109(c) SOMALI VERSION
Formatting issue need to number the sub articles (d), (e) & (f)
Article 109 C
Paragraph (d) refers to an Article on the resolution of disputes (former Article 75). Such an Article does not exist anymore; Reference to Article 75 needs to be deleted and the provision should read:
(d) To resolve any disputes between the Federal Government and the Federal Member States or among the Federal member States.
Article 111A
Composition of Judicial Service Commission is differently regulated as in Article 109A; It is recommended to delete the composition modalities in Article 111A as Article 109A is more precise.
Article 111 C
(3) (b) refers to international cooperation in general. It should read “international cooperation related to anti-corruption policies”.
Formatting issue, add sub-article numbers (a), (b), (c)
Article 111 J Qualifications of Ombudsman in refer to qualifications of High Court Judges in an Article 124 that has been deleted. Same with dismissal procedures in an Article 125 which has been deleted; these references must be deleted.
Article 111E
As per the TFC, the agreed name was Boundaries and Federation Commission instead of Boundaries and Federal Commissions; Replace Boundaries and Federal Commissions by Boundaries and Federation Commission.
Article 111I Commission should be named: Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Reads now as “Section 14”, change language to be consistent, should read “Chapter 14” also make sure is reflected in Table of Contents.
Article 131 The provision on a state of emergency has been left out. Add the following language at
Article 131:
State of Emergency
(1) A state of emergency may be declared only if it is necessary to deal with a serious situation arising from war, invasion, insurrection, disorder, a natural disaster or some other grave public emergency.
(2) A state of emergency may be declared affecting the whole or part of the country, but shall not be more extensive than necessary to deal with the situation.
(3) The President acting on the request of the Council of Ministers may declare a necessary state of emergency, which shall then be debated, and may be approved, by both Houses of the Federal Parliament within 21 days after that declaration. The debates in the Federal Parliament shall take place in public unless that is no feasible to do so in the circumstances.
(4) The Federal Parliament may approve or extend a state of emergency for no more than three months at a time. If the Federal Parliament does not approve or extend a state of emergency, the state of emergency ceases to be in effect.
(5) The declaration of a state of emergency may give the executive special powers that are necessary to deal with the situation only.
(6) The powers granted under a state of emergency shall not include powers to violate the rights under this constitution, unless that violation is absolutely necessary for the purposes of dealing with the emergency situation.
(7) The validity of a declaration of a state of emergency, and the procedures involved in making the declaration, may be challenged in court.
Articles 132 – 198
Delete reference to these articles and adjust numbering of all articles which follow.
As per errata sheet change in Article 6, Schedule 1A should show a picture of the Somali flag and Scheduled 1B should show a picture of the Somali emblem, adjust all schedules under 1 to follow accordingly 1C, 1D, etc.
Schedule 1 A
In schedule 1 A there are numerous references to Articles that have been referred. As long as they are not included in the constitution reference to an Article must be avoided and deleted in the following cases:
8. to Article 182(1)(b), concerning the giving of guarantees by the federal government for loans by regional states;
9. to Article 182(1)(c), concerning procedures for public procurement;
10. Article 182(1)(d), concerning the auditing of accounts of non-governmental bodies that receive government funding
11. to Article 183, establishing the National Reserve and prescribing rules for the audit and control of State revenues;
In Schedule 1 A Nr. 13 and 14 reference is given to Article 189. However, such issues are now regulated in Article 130 and this should be changed accordingly.
In schedule 1 A Nr. 15 reference is given to sub-Articles 189(3), (4) and (5), concerning states of emergency but declaration of a state of emergency is included in Article 131. Change reference to reflect new article numbering
Schedule 1 B
In schedule 1 B there are numerous references to Articles that have been referred or deleted. As long as they are not included in the constitution reference to an Article must be avoided and deleted in the following cases:
11. A law in terms of Article 63 and 85, concerning the exercise of concurrent legislative power by regional state governments, and the establishment of joint committees of the two Houses.
12. A law in terms of Article XX, prescribing rules for the national census.
16. A law in terms of Article 157, identifying and prescribing appointment procedures for higher ranking government officials and employees.
17. A law in terms of Article 158, prescribing the legal status of state employees.
19. A law in terms of Article 182(1)(a), concerning the way in which the budgets of regional states are to be presented, and the timetable for the budgetary process in the Regional States;
20. A law in terms of Article 182(1)(b), concerning the giving of guarantees by the federal government for loans by regional states;
22. A law of the Federal Member States in terms of Article 184(5) and 189(3), concerning the police forces of the Regional States.
The following references in Schedule 1 B could be considered as referring to Article 130 and changed accordingly:
21. A law in terms of Article 184(2) and 189, concerning the security forces.
23. Laws in terms of Art. 189(2)(a), establishing specialized bodies as necessary to deal with anti-terrorism, anti-piracy, human trafficking and other organized crime;
24. A law in terms of Article 189(2)(b), regulating the structure and functions of the federal police;
25. A law in terms of Article 189(2)(c), regulating the relationships between the federal police service and the police services of the Regional States
26. A law in terms of Article 189(2)(d), to clarify the issue of obedience to illegal orders;
27. A law in terms of Article 189(2)(e), concerning the establishment and operation of the special parliamentary committee for the armed forces;
28. A law in terms of Article 189(2)(f), concerning the involvement of civilians in the oversight of the federal police service.

Constitution of Somalia

Declaration of the Federal Republic of Somalia
Fundamental Rights and the Duties of the Citizen
General Principles of Human Rights
Rights Basic Personal Liberties and its Limitations
Duties of Citizens
Land Property and Environment
Public Representation
General Principles of Public Representation
Devolution of the Powers of Government
Federal Parliament
General Provisions
House of the People of the Federal Parliament
Legislative Powers of the Upper House
Legislative Procedures In Parliament
President of the Federal Republic
Judicial Authority
Independent Commissions
Civil Service
Federal Member States
Public Finance
Peace and Security
Final and Transitional Provisions
Amending the Constitution
Miscellaneous Provisions
Somali Flag
Somali Emblem
Proposed Amendments to the Constitution
First Term of the Somali Federal Parliament
Priority Laws to be Enacted in the First Term
Constitution Somalia Changes Made As Per Errata Sheet 2024