Social Cultural and Economic Fights And

Social Cultural and Economic Fights And Obligations

Social Cultural and Economic Fights And Obligations

Social Cultural and Economic Fights And Obligations

- Constitution of Suriname

Social Cultural and Economic Fights And Obligations


First Section

Article 24
The state shall take care of the creation of conditions in which an optimal satisfaction of the basic needs for work, food, health care, education, energy, clothing and communication is obtained.

Article 25
Labour is the most important means of human development and an important source of wealth.

Article 26

  1. Everyone has the right to work, in accordance with his capacities.
  2. The duty to work is indissolubly attached to the right to work.
  3. Everyone has the right of free choice of profession and work, except for regulations imposed by law.
  4. Everyone has the right of initiative for economic production.
Second Section

Article 27

  1. It shall be the duty of the State to guarantee the right to work maximally by:
    a. Following a planned policy, aimed at full employment;
    b. Forbidding the discharge without sufficient cause or for political or ideological reasons;
    c. Guaranteeing equal opportunity in the choice of profession and type of work and forbidding that access to any function or profession by prevented on grounds of someone’s sex
    d. Promoting professional training for employees.
  2. The State shall take care of the creation of conditions for the optimal promotion of initiatives for economic production.
Third Section

Article 28
All employees have, independent of age, sex, race, nationality, religion or political opinions, the right to:

a. Remuneration for their work corresponding to quantity, type, quality and experience on the basis of equal pay for equal work;
b. The performance of their task under humane conditions, in order to enable self-development;
c. Safe and healthy working condition;
d. Sufficient rest and recreation.
Fourth Section

Article 29
It is the duty of the State to indicate the conditions for work, remuneration and rest to which employees are entitled, especially by:

a. Mankind regulations with regard to wages, time of work, about conditions and special categories or workers;
b. Supplying special protection on the job for women before and after pregnancy, for minors, disabled persons and for those who are engaged in work which demands special efforts or who work in unhealthy or dangerous conditions.
Fifth Section

Article 30

  1. Employees are free to establish trade unions to foster their rights and interests.
  2. For the exercise of the rights of trade unions the following freedoms are guaranteed indiscriminately:
    a. Freedom to join or not to join a trade union;
    b. The right to participate in trade union activities.
  3. Trade unions shall be bound by the principles of democratic organization and management, based on regular elections of their boards of directors through secret ballot.
Sixth Section

Article 31

  1. The trade unions shall have the power to defend the rights and interests of the employees they represent and for whom they assume responsibility.
  2. Trade unions shall participate in:
    a. The preparation of labour legislation;
    b. The creation of institutions of social security and other institutions aimed at serving the interests of employees;
    c. The preparation for and the control of the execution of economic and social plans
  3. Trade unions shall have the right to conclude collective labour agreements. The rules concerning the powers to conclude collective labour agreements and the sphere of application of their rules shall be determined by law.


Article 32
The associations for the defense of business entrepreneurs shall have the power to defend the rights and interests of those whom they represent and for whom they assume responsibility.

Seventh Section

Article 33
The right to strike is recognized subject to the limitations which stem from the law.

Eighth Section

Article 34

  1. Property, of the community as well as of the private person, shall fulfill a social function. Everyone has the right to undisturbed use of his property subject to the limitations which stem from the law.
  2. Expropriation shall only take place for reasons of public utility according to rules to be laid down by law and against previously assured compensation.
  3. Compensation need not be previously assured if in case of emergency immediate expropriation is required.
  4. In cases determined by or through the law, the right to compensation shall exist if the competent public authority destroys or renders property unserviceable or restricts the exercise of property rights for the public interest.
Ninth section

Article 35

  1. The family is recognized and protected.
  2. Husband and wife are equal before the law.
  3. Every child shall have the right to protection without any form of discrimination.
  4. Parents shall have the same responsibilities towards legal or natural children.
  5. The State recognizes the extraordinary value of motherhood.
  6. Working women shall be entitled to paid maternity leave.
Tenth Section

Article 36

  1. Everyone shall have a right to good health.
  2. The State shall promote the general health care by systematic improvement of living and working conditions and shall give information on the protection of health.
Eleventh Section

Article 37

  1. Young people shall enjoy special protection for the enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights, among which are:
    a. Access to education, culture and work;
    b. Vocational schooling;
    c. Physical training, sports and recreation;
  2. The primary goal of youth policy shall be the development of the personality of the young person and of the concept of service to the community.
Twelfth Section

Article 38

  1. Everyone shall have a right to education and to enjoyment of culture.
  2. The provision of education shall be free, subject to State control of all public educational institutions in keeping with the national education policy and the rules regarding education laid down by the State.
  3. The practice of science and technology shall be free.
  4. The State shall promote the kind of education and the conditions under which school education and other forms of education can contribute to the development of a democratic and socially just society.
  5. The State shall promote the democratization of culture by stimulating the enjoyment of culture and cultural relations and through assuring the availability of those cultural creations to all citizens by means of cultural and recreational organizations , information media and other suitable channels.
Thirteenth Section

Article 39
The State shall recognize and guarantee the right of all citizens to education and shall offer them equal opportunity for schooling. In the execution of its education policy the State shall be under the obligation:

a. To assure obligatory and free general primary education;
b. To assure durable education and to end analphabetism;
c. To enable all citizens to attain the highest levels of education, scientific research and artistic creation, in accordance with their capacities;
d. To provide, in phases, free education on all levels;
e. To tune education to the productive and social needs of the society

Constitution of Suriname

The Republic of Suriname
State and Society
Economic Goals
Social Goals
International Principles
Basic Rights Individual Rights and Freedoms
Social Cultural and Economic Fights And Obligations
The Right To Work
State Concern For Labor
Rights of Employees
Duties of the State Concerning the Rights of Employees
Freedom of Trade Unions
Rights of Trade Unions and Collective Agreements
Right To Strike
Right To Property
The Family
Education and Culture
Economic System
Social Order
Principles of Democratic State Organization
Political Democracy
Political Organizations
Basic Principles for the Functioning of the State Organs
National Assembly
Organization and Composition of the National Assembly
Election of the Members of the National Assembly
Membership of the National Assembly
Termination of the Membership of the National Assembly
Exercise of Legislative Powers
Powers of the National Assembly
Rights of Amendment Initiative Interrogation and Investigation
General Provisions
Powers of the President
Council of State the Government the Councilof Ministers
Council of State
Council of Ministers
Under Ministries
National Security Council
In General
General National Security
Composition of the Security Council
The Judicial Power
Composition of the Judicial Power
Constitutional Court
Public Prosecution
Supervision of the Expenditure of State Finances
Advisory Councils
Financial and Monetary System
Regional Governments
Demarcation of the Territory
Regional Representation
Regional Legislation
Regional Authorities
Army and Police
National Army
Police Corps of Suriname
Defense of the State
Peoples Assembly
Transitional and Final Provisions
Former Constitutional Law
Installation Of State Organs
Former Common Law
Coming Into Force of Institutions of Government
Ratification Promulgation and Effective Date
Constitution Suriname Social Cultural And Economic Fights And Obligations 2024