Social Order

Social Order

Social Order

Social Order

- Constitution of Suriname

Social Order


Article 45
The social order shall be based in principle on a society, wherein all Suriname citizens have equal rights and obligations.

Article 46
The State shall create the conditions, which lay the foundations for the formation of citizens capable of participating in a democratic and effective manner in the development process of the nation.

Article 47
The State shall safeguard and protect the cultural heritage of Suriname, stimulate its preservation and promote the use of science and technology in the context of the national development aims.

Article 48

  1. The State shall inspect the production, storing and handling of chemical, biological, pharmaceutical and other products, intended for consumption, medical treatment and diagnosis.
  2. The State shall inspect all medical functions, the function of pharmacist and other paramedical practices.
  3. The inspection of the products and functions mentioned in paragraphs (2) and (3) shall be regulated by law.
Article 49
A housing plan shall be determined by law, aimed at the procurement of a sufficient number of affordable houses and State control of the use of real estate for public housing.

Article 50
The policy regarding widows, orphans, the aged, invalids and incapacitated workers shall be indicated by law.

Article 51
The State shall take care to make the services of legal aid institutions accessible to those looking for justice.

Constitution of Suriname

The Republic of Suriname
State and Society
Economic Goals
Social Goals
International Principles
Basic Rights Individual Rights and Freedoms
Social Cultural and Economic Fights And Obligations
The Right To Work
State Concern For Labor
Rights of Employees
Duties of the State Concerning the Rights of Employees
Freedom of Trade Unions
Rights of Trade Unions and Collective Agreements
Right To Strike
Right To Property
The Family
Education and Culture
Economic System
Social Order
Principles of Democratic State Organization
Political Democracy
Political Organizations
Basic Principles for the Functioning of the State Organs
National Assembly
Organization and Composition of the National Assembly
Election of the Members of the National Assembly
Membership of the National Assembly
Termination of the Membership of the National Assembly
Exercise of Legislative Powers
Powers of the National Assembly
Rights of Amendment Initiative Interrogation and Investigation
General Provisions
Powers of the President
Council of State the Government the Councilof Ministers
Council of State
Council of Ministers
Under Ministries
National Security Council
In General
General National Security
Composition of the Security Council
The Judicial Power
Composition of the Judicial Power
Constitutional Court
Public Prosecution
Supervision of the Expenditure of State Finances
Advisory Councils
Financial and Monetary System
Regional Governments
Demarcation of the Territory
Regional Representation
Regional Legislation
Regional Authorities
Army and Police
National Army
Police Corps of Suriname
Defense of the State
Peoples Assembly
Transitional and Final Provisions
Former Constitutional Law
Installation Of State Organs
Former Common Law
Coming Into Force of Institutions of Government
Ratification Promulgation and Effective Date
Constitution Suriname Social Order 2024
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