Principles And Bases

Principles And Bases

Principles And Bases

Principles And Bases

- Constitution of Guyana

Priniples And Bases Of The Political, Economic And Social System


9. Sovereignty belongs to the people, who exercise it through their representatives and the democratic organs established by or under this Constitution.

10. The right to form political parties and their freedom of action are guaranteed. Political parties must respect the principles of national sovereignty and of democracy.

11. Co-operatives, trade unions and all socio-economic organisations of a national character are entitled to participate in the various management and decision-making processes of the States and particularly in the political, economic, social and cultural sectors of national life.

12. Local government by freely elected representatives of the people is an integral part of the democratic organisation of the State.

13. The principle objective of the political system of the State is to extend socialist democracy by providing increasing opportunities for the participation of citizens in the management and decision-making processes of the State.

14. The supreme goal of the economic system which is being established in the State is the fullest possible satisfaction of the people's growing material, cultural and intellectual requirements, as well as the development of their personality and their socialist relations in society.

15. (1) In order to achieve economic independence as the imperative concomitant of its political independence, the State will revolutionize the national economy.

(2) The national economy of the State will be based upon the social ownership of the means of production and the eventual abolition of internal arrangements and relationships which permit the exploitation of man by man.

(3) The economy will develop in accordance with the economic laws of socialism on the foundation of socialist relations of production and development of the production forces.

(4) National economic planning shall be the basic principle of the development and management of the economy. It shall provide for the widest possible participation of the people and their socio-economic organs at enterprise, community, regional and national levels, and shall also provide continuous opportunity for the working people to exercise initiative and to develop a spirit of creativity and innovation.

16. Co-operativism in practice shall be the dynamic principle of socialist transformation and shall pervade and inform all interrelationships in the society. Co-operativism is rooted in the historical experience of the people, is based on self-reliance, is capable of releasing the productive energies of the people, and is a unifying principle in the total development of the nation.

17. The existence of privately owned economic enterprises is recognized. Such enterprises must satisfy social needs and operate within the regulatory framework of national policy and the law.

18. Land is for social use and must go to the tiller.

19. Every citizen has the right to own personal property which includes such assets as dwelling houses and the land on which they stand, farmsteads, tools and equipment, motor vehicles and bank accounts.

20. The right of inheritance is guaranteed.

21. The source of the growth of social wealth and of the well-being of the people, and of each individual, is the labour of the people.

22. (1) Every citizen has the right to work and its free selection in accordance with social requirements and personal qualifications. He has the fight to be rewards according to the nature, quality and quantity of his work. Women and men have the right to equal pay for equal work.

(2) Socially useful activity is an honourable duty of every citizen able to work. The right to work implies a corresponding duty to work.

(3) The right to work is guaranteed

(i) By social ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange;
(ii) by socialist planning, development and management of the economy;
(iii) By planned and progressive growth of the socialist productive forces and labour productivity;
(iv) By consistent implementation of scientific principles and new and productive forces and labour productivity;
(v) by continuous education and training of citizens;
(vi) by socialist labour laws; and
(vii) by sustained efforts on the part of the State, co-operatives, trade unions and other socio-economic organisations and the people working together to develop the economy in accordance with the foregoing principles in order to increase continuously the country's material wealth, expand employment opportunities, improve working conditions and progressively increase amenities and benefits.

23. Every citizen has the right to rest, recreation and leisure. The State in co-operation with co-operatives, trade unions and other socio-economic organisations will guarantee this right by prescribing hours and conditions of work and by establishing holiday arrangements for workers, including a complex of cultural, educational and health institutions.

24. Every citizen has the right to free medical attention and also to social care in case of old age and disability.

25. Every citizen has a duty to participate in activities designed to improve the environment and protect the health of the nation.

26. Every citizen has the fight to proper housing accommodation.

27. Every citizen has the right to a free education from nursery to university as well as at non-formal laces share opportunities are provided for education and training.

28. Every young person has the right to ideological, social, cultural and vocational development and to the of the socialist order of society.

29. (1) Women and men have equal rights and the same legal status in all spheres of political, economic and social life. All forms of discrimination against women on the basis of their sex is illegal.

(2) The exercise of women's rights is ensured by according women access with men to academic, vocational and professional training, equal opportunities in employment, remuneration and promotion, and in social, political and cultural activity, by special labour and health protections measures for women, by providing conditions enabling mothers to work, and by legal protection and material and moral support for mothers and children, including paid leave and other benefits for mothers and expectant mothers.

30. Children born out of wedlock are entitled to the same legal rights and legal status as are enjoyed by children born in wedlock. All forms of discrimination against children on the basis of their being born out of wedlock are illegal.

31. It is the duty of the State to protect the just fights and interests of citizens abroad.

32. It is the joint duty of the State, the society and every citizen to combat and prevent crime and other violations of the law and to take care of and protect public property.

33. It is the duty of every citizen to defend the State.

34. It is the duty of the State to enhance the cohesiveness of the society by eliminating discriminatory distinctions between classes, between town and country, and between mental and physical labour.

35. The State honours and respects the diverse cultural strains which enrich the society and will seek constantly to promote national appreciation of them at all levels and to develop out of them a socialist national culture for Guyana.

36. In the interests of the present and future generations, the State will protect and make rational use of its land, mineral and water resources, as well as its fauna and flora, and will take all appropriate measures to conserve and improve the environment.

37. The State supports the legitimate aspirations of other peoples for freedom and independence and will establish relations with all states on the basis of sovereign equality, mutual respect, inviolability of frontiers, territorial integrity of states, peaceful settlement of disputes, non-intervention in internal affairs, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and co-operation among States.

38. It is the duty of the State, co-operatives, trade unions and other socio-economic organisations and the people through sustained and disciplined endeavors to achieve the highest possible levels of production and productivity and to develop the economy in order to ensure the realization of the rights set our in this Chapter.

39. It is the duty of Parliament, the Government, the courts and all other public agencies to be guided in the discharge of their functions by the principles set out in this Chapter, and Parliament may provide for any of those principles to be enforceable in any court or tribunal.

Basic Law of Guyana

The State And The Constitution
Priniples And Bases Of The Political, Economic And Social System
Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the Individual
Supreme Organs of Democratic Power
Composition Of Parliament
Powers and Procedure of Parliament
Local Democracy
Local Democratic Organs
The National Congress of Local Democratic Organs
The Supreme Congress of the People
The President
The Executive
The Judicature
The Supreme Court of the Judicature
Judges of the Supreme Court of Judicature
The Service of Commissions
Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the Individual
The Supreme Congress Of The People
The President
Minister, Etc.
The Ombudsman
The Judicature
The Service Commissions
The Judicial Service Commission
The Police Service Commission

Constitution Guyana Principles And Bases 2024
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