Territorial Divisions And Decentralizati

Territorial Divisions And Decentralization

Territorial Divisions And Decentralization

Territorial Divisions And Decentralization

- Constitution of Haiti

Territorial Divisions And Decentralization

Chapter I
Territorial Divisions And Decentralization
Article 61:

The territorial divisions are the Communal Sections, the Communes and the Departments.

Article 61-1:

The law may create any other territorial division.

Section A
Communal Sections
Article 62:

The CommunalSection is the smallest administrative territorial entity of the Republic.

Article 63:

Each Communal Section is administered by a council of three (3) members elected by universal suffrage for four (4) years. They may be re-elected an indefinite number of times.

Their mode of organization and operation is regulated by law.

Article 63-1:

The Administrative Council of the Communal Section is assisted in its work by an Assembly of the Communal Section.

Article 64:

The state is obligated to establish for each Communal Section the structures required for social, economic, civic and cultural training of its population.

Article 65:

Members of the Administrative Council of the Communal Section must:

a. Be Haitians and be at least twenty-five (25) years of age;

b. Have resided in the Communal Section for two (2) years before the elections and continue to reside there:

c. Enjoy civil and political rights and never been sentenced to death, personal restraint or penal servitude or the loss of civil rights.
Section B
Article 66:

Communes have administrative and financial autonomy. Each Commune of the Republic is administered by a Council, known as the Municipal Council, of three (3) members elected by universal suffrage.

Article 66-1:

The President of the council is assisted in its work by a Municipal Assembly composed among others, of a representative of each of its Communal sections.

Article 67:

The Municipal Council is assisted in its work by a Municipal Assembly composed, among others, of a representative of each of its Communal Sections.

Article 68:

The Municipal term is four (4) years, and its members may be re-elected for an indefinite number of terms.

Article 69:

The mode of organization and operation of the Commune and the Municipal Council are regulated by law.

Article 70:

Members of a Municipal Council must:

a. Be Haitians;

b. Have attained twenty-five (25) years of age;

c. Enjoy civil and political rights;

d. Have never been sentenced to death, personal restraint or penal servitude or the loss of civil rights;

e. Have resided at least three (3) years in the Commune and undertake to reside there for the duration of their term.

Article 71:

Each Municipal Council is assisted at its request by a Technical Council furnished by the Central Government.

Article 72:

The Municipal Council may be dissolved for negligence, embezzlement, or maladministration, legally determined by a court of competent jurisdiction.

If it is dissolved, the Departmental Council shall immediately fill the vacancy and call upon the Permanent Electoral Council to elect, in sixty (60) days starting from the date the Council is dissolved, a new Council and shall manage the affairs of the Commune for the remainder of the term. This procedure also applies to vacancies occurring for any other reason.

Article 73:

The Municipal Council manages its resources for the exclusive benefit of the Municipality and renders its accounts to the Municipal Assembly which in turn reports to the Departmental Council.

Article 74:

The Municipal Council has priority in management of the State's real property in the private domain located within the limits of its Commune. They may not be subject to any transaction without the prior consent of the Municipal Assembly.

Section C
Article 75:

The Arrondissement is an administrative division that may comprise several Communes. Its organization and operations are governed by law.

Section D
Article 76:

The Department is the largest territorial division. It comprises the Arrondissements.

Article 77:

The Department has legal personality and is autonomous.

Article 78:

Each Department is administered by a Council of three (3) members elected for four (4) years by the Departmental Assembly.

Article 79:

Members of the Departmental Council are not necessarily drawn from the Assembly, but they must:

a. Be Haitians and at least twenty-five (25) years of age;

b. Have resided in the Department three (3) years before the elections and undertake to remain there during their term;

c. Enjoy civil and political rights and have newer been sentenced to death, personal restraint, or penal servitude or the loss of civil rights.

Article 80:

The departmental Council is assisted in its work by a Departmental Assembly made up of:

One (1) representative form each Municipal Assembly.
Article 80-1:

The following may attend Assembly meetings in an advisory capacity:

a. Deputies and Senators of the Department;

b. One (1) representative of each socie-professional association or union;

c. The Departmental Delegate;

d. The Director of Public Services of the Department.

Article 81:

The Departmental Council draws up the Department's development plan in cooperation with the Central Government.

Article 82:

The organization and operations of the Departmental Council and the Departmental Assembly are regulated by law.

Article 83:

The Departmental Council manages its financial resources for the exclusive benefit of the Department and renders its accounts to the Departmental Assembly, which in turn reports to the Central Government.

Article 84:

The Departmental Council may be dissolved in the event of embezzlement or maladministration legally determined by a court of competent jurisdiction.

If it is dissolved, the Central Government appoints a Provisional Commission and calls upon the Permanent Electoral Council to elect a new Council for the remainder of the term within sixty (60) days of the dissolution.

Section E
Delegates and Vice Presidents
Article 85:

In each Departmental Capital, the Executive Branch appoints a Representative, who bears the title of Delegate. A Vice Delegate placed under the authority of the Delegate is also appointed in each Arrondissement Capital.

Article 86:

Delegates and Vice Delegates ensure coordination and control of public services and exercise no repressive police function.

Other duties of delegates and Vice Delegates are determined by law.

Section F
Interdepartamental Council
Article 87:

The Executive is assisted by an Interdepartmental Council, the members of which are designated by the Departmental Assemblies on the basis of one (1) per Department.

Article 87-1:

This Representative chosen form among the members of the Departmental Assemblies serves as liaison between the Department and the Executive Branch.

Article 87-2:

The interdepartmental Council, in concert with the executive, studies and plans projects for decentralization and development of the country from the social, economic, commercial, agricultural and industrial standpoint.

Article 87-3:

It attends working meetings of the Council of Ministers, when they discuss subjects mentioned in the preceding paragraph and has the right to vote.

Article 87-4:

Decentralization must be accompanied by deconcentration of public services with delegation of power and industrial decompartmentalization for the benefit of the departments.

Article 87-5:

The law determines the organization and operation of the Interdepartmental Council, and the frequency of the meetings of the Council of Ministers, in which it participates.

Constitution of Haiti

Republic of Haiti
Haitian Nationality
Nature of the Citizenship
Basic Rights
Right to life and Health
Individual Liberty
Freedom of Expression
Freedom of Conscience
Freedom of assembly and Association
Education and Teaching
Freedom to Work
Right to Information
Right to Security
Duties of the Citizen
National Sovereignty
Territorial Divisions And Decentralization
Communal Sections
Delegates and Vice Presidents
Interdepartamental Council
Legislative Branch
House of Deputies
National Assembly
Exercise of Legislative Power
Executive Branch
President of the Republic
Duties of the President of the Republic
Powers of The Prime Minister
Ministers and Secretaries of State
High Court of Justice
Independent Institutions
Permanent Electoral Council
Superior Court of Auditors
Conciliation Comission
Protection of Citizens
University Academy Culture
Public Finance
Civil Service
Economics and Agriculture
Armed Forces and the Police Force
Armed Forces
Police Forces
General Provisions
Amendments to the Constitution
Temporary Provisions
Final Provisions
Constitution of Haiti
Constitution Haiti Territorial Divisions And Decentralization 2024